Progressive Announces Investor Relations Conference Call
المصدر: Nasdaq GlobeNewswire / 27 أكتوبر 2021 10:52:53 America/Chicago
MAYFIELD VILLAGE, OHIO, Oct. 27, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As previously announced, The Progressive Corporation (NYSE: PGR) will host an Investor Relations conference call on Wednesday, November 3, 2021, beginning at 9:30 a.m. eastern time. Consistent with past Investor Relations calls, this quarterly call, which will consist of both a conference call and an audio only webcast, is scheduled to last 60 minutes and will include a question-and-answer session with Tricia Griffith, our CEO, and John Sauerland, our CFO. Call-in participants will be able to ask questions via the phone. The webcast will be in a listen-only format and, therefore, participants will not be able to submit questions.
On November 2, 2021, Progressive expects to file its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q with the Securities and Exchange Commission and post its Shareholders’ Report, including the Letter to Shareholders from Tricia Griffith, to its website at www.progressive.com/annualreport.
To receive the necessary call-in details or link to the webcast, visit Progressive’s website at https://investors.progressive.com/events/default.aspx.
Replays of the conference call, both through the webcast and by phone, will be available approximately two hours after the call concludes. The archived webcast will be able to be accessed from Progressive’s website at https://investors.progressive.com/events/default.aspx and will remain available until November 4, 2022. The phone replay will be available until November 19, 2021; call-in details for the replay will be available on our events page.
About Progressive
Progressive InsuranceSM makes it easy to understand, buy and use car insurance. Progressive offers choices so consumers can reach us whenever, wherever and however it's most convenient - online at progressive.com, by phone at 1-800-PROGRESSIVE, on a mobile device or in-person with a local agent.Progressive provides insurance for personal and commercial autos and trucks, motorcycles, boats, recreational vehicles, and homes; it is the third largest car insurer in the country, a leading seller of motorcycle and commercial auto insurance, and one of the top 15 homeowners insurance carriers.
Founded in 1937, Progressive continues its long history of offering shopping tools and services that save customers time and money, like Name Your Price®, Snapshot®, and HomeQuote Explorer®.
The Common Shares of The Progressive Corporation, the Mayfield Village, Ohio-based holding company, trade publicly at NYSE:PGR.
Company Contact:
Douglas S. Constantine
(440) 910-3563
The Progressive Corporation
6300 Wilson Mills Road
Mayfield Village, Ohio 44143